NF Service
Review Management delivered by AFNOR Certification
As a review collection, moderation, and publication service provider, we are committed to quality. Verified Reviews complies with NF ISO 20488 standards and the NF522 certification framework, for which we have been certified since March 2014 by AFNOR Certification.

NF Service
Review Management
The Review Management—Review Collection, Moderation, and Publication Services standard (NF522) issued by the NF label requires a number of criteria, such as:
- The rules for collecting, moderating, and publishing reviews are displayed.
- No selection is made as to which consumers may post a review or which reviews are published.
- Reviews can be matched with consumer experiences and identified authors.

AFNOR Certification
The NF Service—Review Management quality label was issued by AFNOR Certification, an independent certification body, after a thorough examination of the services provided and our organization.